Photos - Heidi - 2014
Fun at Nordstrom’s UX Team.
UX Team Happy Hour in Capital Hill.
UX Team Happy Hour in Capital Hill.
Nordstrom in Downtown Seattle.
The “12” is one of the buildings our Nordstrom team occupies in downtown Seattle. That building is the Russell Investments Center.
Seattle love after the Seattle Seahawks won the 48th Super Bowl against the Denver Broncos. Our UX Team stepped out to celebrate.
UX Team lunch.
UX Team lunch.
Heidi giving a talk to our teams.
Field trip!
UX Team outing on an ELECTRIC DUFFY BOAT RIDE! What a fun day!
UX Team outing on an ELECTRIC DUFFY BOAT RIDE! Race time!
UX Team outing on an ELECTRIC DUFFY BOAT RIDE! Photo credit: Laura B.
UX Team outing on an ELECTRIC DUFFY BOAT RIDE! What a fun day! Photo credit: Unknown
Nordstrom company outing at the Seattle Aquarium.
UX Team happy hour in Capital Hill (we obviously like this place). Photo credit: Rebecca D.
UX Team private party in Capital Hill.
Bowling with the UX Team in Capital Hill.
Bowling with the UX Team in Capital Hill.
Bowling with the UX Team in Capital Hill.
Going away party for Amy, Justin + me in downtown. My last month at Nordstrom before heading to Los Angeles, CA.
Going away party for Amy, Justin + me in downtown. My last month at Nordstrom before heading to Los Angeles, CA.
After our going away party for Amy, Justin + me at in downtown. Last time I’ll see Heidi in Seattle before heading to Los Angeles, CA.